An Alpine State of Mind.
Mount Rainier from the summit of Crystal Mountain Resort in Washington State, USA (Imagery Beyond Borders, 2014).
Penelope and Mia Barrow hiking the trails at Crystal Mountain Resort in August 2014 (Imagery Beyond Borders, 2014).
Melanie Boling at Crystal Mountain Resort in August 2014 (Imagery Beyond Borders, 2014).
Mia Barrow charging down the slopes at Crystal Mountain Resort in August 2014 (Imagery Beyond Borders, 2014).
An alpine state of mind. Crystal Mountain Resort, Washington State (Imagery Beyond Borders, 2014).
Melanie Boling, at Crystal Mountain Resort in August 2014 (Imagery Beyond Borders, 2014).
Say hello to my little friend. Alpine chipmunk at Crystal Mountain Resort, Washington (Imagery Beyond Borders, 2014).
Mount Rainier National Park (Imagery Beyond Borders, 2014).
Melanie Boling, Extreme Environments Behavioural Ecologist, Peer Wild on Mount Rainier, Washington State (Imagery Beyond Borders, 2015).
About the author:
“Boling's research is part of her Graduate Studies at Harvard University where she examines "extreme environments" and how they can have potential negative impacts on humans operating in the extreme environment. Implementing "psychological field kits" are a way of mitigating negative variables such as abnormal human behavior and abnormal human psychology that can play a role in team degradation.”
Melanie Boling, Extreme Environments Behavioural Ecologist, Peer Wild; and Graduate Student of Neuropsychology, Harvard University.